Somerset County Sheriff’s Office has acquired the most state-of-the-art system in the nation to aid in our never-ending pursuit of preventative and proactive measures to keep our citizens safe.  

All this technology aids in cutting the reporting time if a child is abducted or a loved one goes missing. It starts comprehensive Secure Child and Medical ID Programs and bolsters the already invaluable service of Project LifeSaver.  The parent/guardian can take the USB thumb drive to a police department to be downloaded, or they could even email the form to them from the APP. There is no other system in the country that is as comprehensive as the one we are using.  The APP also supports the updating of any information about the client or child, including adding more photos, changing medications or doctor information, and emergency contact information.

Every day 2000 children are reported missing. Every year 200,000 children are taken by family members. 58,000 children are victims of non-family abductions. The key to recovering these children is quick action by parents and law enforcement.

There are 3 components addressed in this system at this time, with the ability to expand in the future: 
Somerset County Children, Somerset County Project Lifesaver Clients and Somerset County Citizens with Medical Conditions who might benefit.

Secure Kids ID
Medical ID
Project LifeSaver

How it works:

There are several different ways to securely receive the information once the card or data sheet is complete.

The most exciting and secure way is for the Guardian/Parent/Client to Download the SCSO APP. At the event, they will be able to scan the QR code generated specifically for that one person, and all collected information will be sent encrypted to their device.  It is compatible with both Android and IOs.  Once complete, the deletion process begins, and the information is eliminated from our system. 

Other ways:  Print ID Card/ Print Form/ Burn Info to Provided USB Flash Drive

We collect data, emergency contacts, prescription medications if applicable, Drs information if applicable, guardian information if applicable, current on-scene photographs are taken, and a full set of 10 fingerprints.  This data is sent to the encrypted file on the flash drive, printed on the data sheet or credit card sized identification card, or sent securely through the APP via QR code.  Once that is done – ALL FILES ARE PERMENENTLY DELETED UPON COMPLETION.  (The technology that is used to do this was created by the DOD and can be provided upon request.)

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