Somerset County
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In 1991, a resolution by the Somerset County Board of County Commissioners established the Somerset County Fire Academy (as it was known then). This was accomplished by the hard work of many individuals who recognized the need to establish a training source to handle all aspects of emergency services within the County.
Since its inception, the Somerset County Emergency Services Training Academy has grown in both training programs and staff. The Academy now handles training for firefighting, emergency medical services, hazardous materials, incident command, search and rescue, telecommunicator and amateur radio testing and training, as well as various programs that can be customized to meet the ever changing needs of the community.
The Academy is staffed by three full-time and roughly 75+ part-time personnel who handle all administrative and educational aspects involved. Courses are designed to meet or exceed all applicable standards (federal, state or otherwise) and are constantly reviewed to ensure the most current information is included.
The Academy falls underneath the Somerset County Office of Emergency Management, which is also responsible for emergency services coordination at large incidents, hazardous materials response and clean-up, the Somerset County 911 Communications Center located in Somerville, and severe weather monitoring and response.