Somerset County
Home MenuAre you a victim of Domestic Violence
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy
Domestic violence is a serious crime, which affects individuals, families and communities. When an individual is assaulted, threatened or harassed by a current or former intimate partner or household member, it is as serious a crime as when the perpetrator is a stranger. Perpetrators of domestic violence (batterers) rarely stop their abusive behavior without some type of intervention. This can include participation in specialized batterer’s intervention or substance abuse programs, as well as being held legally accountable for their crime. If a batterer is not held responsible for his/her actions, he or she often feels empowered to continue or escalate the abuse. Your cooperation through the criminal justice process is essential to the successful prosecution of criminal cases and is sincerely appreciated.
How to retain a restraining order
New Jersey Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights – N.J.S.A. 52:4B-36